Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Beauty Industry

Beauty industry in currently developing at a fast pace, to meet the demand. Nowadays, people pay more attention to their appearance, hence they use a lot of cosmetics. However, beauty products must undergone a plethora of tests before they are launched onto the market. That issue raises a question: should animals be subject to the tests? The answer still remains ambiguous, yet this topic is frequently discussed in media. In fact, the society is split over the issue and it is almost impossible to reach a consensus. Nevertheless, I believe that beauty products shouldn't be tested on animals. First and foremost, testing on animals is clearly cruel and unethical. Animals feel pain in the same degree as humans do. It is proved, that our physiological systems are in similar to a large extent. Moreover, it is unconceivable how many species die during these acts of cruelty. Even applying a non-invasive beauty products on an animal's skin can have tragic effects, not to mention harmful ingrediencies that can lead to fur's and skin's destruction or even skin cancer and consequently death. It is impossible to estimate the number of species that have already died during the tests. People should really ponder, whether testing a lipsticks or a foundation is worth killing innocent rats or guinea pigs. Second, why should researchers be permitted to harm those innocent species in such a harsh way? They are often part of our families, loyal companions; therefore, we should demure this actions. People shall not have power to injure any species and determine their lives. What is more, animals also exhibit fear, just like humans. They feel a need to be free and live their lives. In laboratories they are locked up in cages and people decide over their life and death. Moreover, animals are treated there in an atrocious way. For scientists, they are just a subject to a research not a living organism. They don't bother their well being at all, yet animals are closed and kept in unholy conditions. Finally, humans and animals are entirely different species when it comes to anatomy; hence they can react on the same substance in a different way. Therefore, the outcome of the tests isn't entirely reliable, as a lot of people believe. Therefore, we cannot pronounce the beauty product to be effective and harmless after checking its influence only on animals' skin. It is possible that the product, which has undergone a test on an animal and was certified to be innoxious, can have a negative impact on humans. Therefore nor animals nor humans benefit from this brutal tests. Moreover, beauty products are intended for human spices and their certain needs. When it comes to animals, it is paradoxical to test lipsticks or eyeshadows on them, yet it is know that their anatomy vary greatly from ours. Their body parts differ from the ones that humans have and their epidermis is largely covered in hair. Undoubtedly, comparing the influence of certain cosmetics on dissimilar organisms defeats the purpose.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Theory of Organizational Culture

It should have made clear and obvious that sustained profitability and high financial turns are not enough to survive and remain successful in today's highly competitive markets because there Is considerable evidence of conflicts and misunderstandings caused by cultural differences. Therefore It Is sensual that firms need to understand their own and other firms' organizational culture and need to adjust their ways and traditions while conducting business with other firms, organizations or individuals with different cultural values. 1. Generally, in lay man terms, culture in an organization can be answered as simple as the way we do things here'. This defines the consistent way in which the tasks were reformed, conflicts were resolved and how customers and employees were treated. In a more articulate manner, an organizational culture can be defined as a core values that defined that particular organization itself. It comprised of its member shared values, behaviors, beliefs and teamwo rk that guide and determine the organization decisions and actions and how it behaves in the local as well international market. 1. 3 Why Does it Matter?In the context of whether it matters or not, an organizational culture is something that cannot be easily capture or define but at the same time it is not something that NY of the organization should take for granted. Many anthropologists and coaches had noticed that ineffective leadership tends to be the major factors of an organization diminishing and weakening (Alveolus, 2002). Rolling back to the Ancient Rome era, the great empire had endured a series of terrible emperors. Due to the culture and structure of the empire was great enough; the tide was often overcome even after decades long.However, one cannot be in denial that without a strong top leadership eventually would be the cause of the fall of even the great empire. 1. 4 Understanding the Organization Culture There is proverb that goes â€Å"When in Rome, do as the Roman s do†. The essence of this is that blending oneself into the foreign environment. Every organization is unique in nature; which is to say the culture of an organization may vary from one another despite having the same nature of business or having the same geographical locality.Even in cases where top managers have strong awareness of the significant of culture, there is often the case that lack of understanding on how the people and organization function in terms of culture. It is normally difficult to attain high level of cultural awareness to decide actions. Understanding organizational culture is essential as a way of understanding the organizational life in all forms and variations (Rachel Parker). Section 2: The Types of Organizational Culture 2. Types Organizational Culture There are few quadrants to be relating to where most of the organizations will fall organization feels comfortable to operate in. However it should be noted that none of the quadrants is inherently b etter than one another Just as there is no culture is necessarily better than another (Tarp). 2. 1. 1 Control (Hierarchy) This culture focused on stability and control in the organization. It strongly emphasized on standardization, integration as well as the decision making mechanism.This means there is layers of management for the decision to go through before the final decision is made. One of the giant companies that practices this pattern of organization culture is Ford Motor Company; they have seventeen levels of management. Government agencies are also well to be associated with this type of culture. 2. 1. 2 Compete (Market) This type of culture focusing on external orientation rather than internal and they emphasized on differentiation greatly than anything else. This culture concentrates n competitiveness and productivity through emphasis on partnership. 2. 1. Collaborate (Clan) Collaborate approach emphasize more on flexibility and discretion over stability and control. The total opposite of individualism, this culture give due credits to team work. Take for example; the Japanese firms have strong Collaborate culture among themselves. They appreciate cohesion, loyalty, and group commitment, and therefore they operated more like families than a team. 2. 1. 4 Create (Autocracy) In this value matrix, they value flexibility and discretion however not to the extent of sharing the inward focus. Instead this culture focused on flexibility and adaptability.This is essential in thriving in the world that many would view as impossible. Google is a good example of a prototypical autocracy organization. Their ability to capture market share has made them leaders in the marketplace and eliminating competition among the industry players. Section 3: The Patterns of Organizational Culture 3. 1 The Cultural Patterns in Construction Industry Due to the rapid internationalization of the construction industry, there is a growing of interest in developing a deep understan ding in the organizational culture and how t can be implemented in this competitive market.It appears that one of the reasons for why the organizational culture gained importance is because more construction companies are conducting business in international markets. (Low, 2001) In addition to the emphasis put on the internationalization of the construction business, the adversarial relations between different stakeholders is considered to be the sensitivity of different project participants to cultural differences which have a culture is claimed to be an effective way to respond to the environment; thus achieving a superior performance.Considering the hyper-turbulent environment and fragmented nature of the construction industry; understanding and managing organizational culture is of particular importance in enhancing organizational performance (Ankara, 2005). 3. 2 The Organization Culture in Malaysian Construction In Malaysian construction industry, Malaysian contractors shared t he same views that the project culture plays enormous impact on the construction project control dimensions such as time, cost, quality and loyalty.In Malaysian construction industry, there are few types of culture that are being practiced by many of the construction rims. These cultures are presented in the below table: Types of Culture Tiger Culture Monkey Culture Rabbits Culture Elephant Culture Dragon Culture Definitions Competitive and Achievement Orientated Teamwork and loyalty Flexibility and creative Strong hierarchies and order Combines the disparate and beneficent attributes of lesser beings into one of extraordinary capability and power Table 1 : Types of Cultural Practices in Malaysia Based on the current research paper produced by C.Wang and H. Abdul Raman (Raman, 2010), the findings below has shown that the â€Å"Monkey Culture† is insider as the most applicable type for the organizational culture in Malaysia. Figure 1: Applicable cultural practices Through the questionnaire survey forms collected from this research, Malaysian contractors have ranked that teamwork and loyalty as highly important in an organization culture. Therefore this has puts â€Å"Monkey Culture† above the rest of the other cultures.In contrast with the US firms which very often considered as individualistic, the Malaysian contractors are very similar to the Japanese culture in the sense of the Japanese has always been a collectivist culture and communities hat put group's welfare over any own individual welfare. The Japanese companies have successfully created an environment and culture where the sense of family has greatly prevails among the employees. Take for example, Toyota, one of the Japanese cars manufacturers, has provided a day-care center for young mothers who wish to work.While the Malaysian contractors have not gone to the extent of creating the family culture in their practice, they have emphasize strongly on good teamwork and coordination between the management and the employees. Figure 2 below shows the analysis extracted from the Hypotheses dimension on Malaysia's organizational Figure 2: Hypotheses Dimension: Malaysia dimension namely Power Distance Index (PDP), Individualism (DVD), Masculinity (MASS) and Uncertainty Avoidance Index (AJAX).The fifth dimension which is not included in this analysis is found later after the implementation of the four dimensions. The fifth dimension is the Long-term Orientation (L TO). As shown in Figure 2, individualism (DVD) has ranked the lowest among the rest dimensions. This shows that Malaysian do not prefer to work alone. Malaysian in fact are very social community and they also practice collectivist culture like the Japanese do. This applies in the case of the construction industry. All members work in a team and like a team.The Project Manager needs his subordinates to cooperate with him in order to get the project running and this applies to the subordinates as well. Like the prov erb goes â€Å"No man is an island†. Therefore, Malaysian construction industry sees this as an important elemental culture that should not be ignored. During the tenure of Tuna Dry Mathis Mohammad as the Malaysia's fourth premier way back in the asses, Dry Mathis has ladled for the citizens of Malaysia to practice the â€Å"Look East Policy'.He considered that the secret of Japanese success and its remarkable development lies in its labor ethics, morale, and management capability. For this purpose, Malaysia decided to dispatch their students to Japan, to study not only academics and technical know- how but also to learn labor ethics and discipline of the Japanese people. One good example of the Japanese culture that should be implemented in the Malaysian construction industry would be the Japanese strong sense of family.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Homework Steven

Criteria Questions to Ask Yourself Comments How important is the subject to the speaker? The speaker seems to be very committed to the information she has learned about van Gogh. She seems that she has done her research and is passionate about his life and art. Appropriateness for Audience and Occasion Is the topic and delivery relevant and useful to the audience? It seems the audience was into the speech. I still could not tell who she was speaking to. Was it an art class? Random group of people who want to know more about van Gogh? Clear Purpose Can you identify the goal(s) the speaker has for delivering the speech?The speaker anted to get across the tragedy and triumphs of Van Go's life. All of which lead him to killing himself. Fresh Point of View Does the speech challenge the audience to think about something in a new way? I think this speech did. The Speaker obviously found information that was plenty interesting and not something you would Just know based on school taught info rmation. Ethics Does the speaker tell the truth and have the best interest of the audience at heart? She seems to have sited all information she found. I would take it as all true and she also looks to have lured the audience in with her facts and excitement about the topic.Substance Does the speech content provide new information supported by facts, statistics, and so-on? Yes, A lot of the facts she had were sited. I had no idea that he went through all of that. Structure Is the flow of information given in the speech well organized so the speech flows from one topic to the next? Yes. By starting with his early years, going to middle age years and ending with him committing suicide. Step 5: Watch the speech, pausing as necessary, and enter any initial thoughts that may be useful in writing your critique of the speech.Step 6: Review the information in Module 2 that covers strategies for giving effective dieback. The recommendations given in the lesson include the following: Begin th e critique by making a positive statement. Focus on select areas for improvement. Make your comments in an organized fashion. Provide specific feedback about what needs to be improved. Be honest, but respectful and tactful, in your comments. Personalized comments by indicating how you were influenced by the content or behavior, using â€Å"l† instead of â€Å"you. † Stress the positive aspects of the speech.Offer specific suggestions on how to correct a problem. Provide a plan of action for how to improve the next speech with examples. End the critique with a positive statement. Step 7: Use your speech evaluation table and guidelines for giving effective speech feedback to write a critique of the speech you selected. Enjoyed learning new information about a famous person in history, I found it hard not to look at the speaker moving her hands continuously. I was also unable to tell who this speech was designed for. Was this speech designed for an art class? Mental patie nts?Suicide prevention? It is unclear who should be the recipient of this speech. I was a bit confused but I still enjoyed the speech. Learning new things, seeing money very passionate about the message they are relaying and it was given in perfect sequence. Step 8: Review the information in the lesson that provides guidelines for handling feedback you receive from others. These guidelines include the following: Be sure to focus on what is being said about your speech and your presentation – not how it is being conveyed to you. Avoid taking the feedback personally or emotionally.When feedback is general or vague, seek out specific problems and suggestions from the feedback source. Evaluate the feedback provided using your critical thinking abilities. Prepare a plan of action for improving your speech and presentation skills prior to delivering the next speech. Step 9: Put yourself in the shoes of the presenter whose speech you watched and critiqued. Imagine that you are the s peaker who received the critique that you wrote. For each guideline you reviewed in Step 8, write a sentence or more that documents your thoughts about the critique comments and observations.How would you use the information, observations, and suggestions in the critique to deliver your speech more effectively? If I were the presenter and saw the feedback I Just wrote, I would say that I do understand, clarify whom the speech is supposed to be for and accept the hand gestures being Just a little too much. I would be happy to hear that someone gained a bit of knowledge from my presentation. I thinking back it would have been nice to see more visuals in the presentation but that is something that different people pick up information easier with. Step 10: Save and submit your document. Remember to use proper PAP Style.

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20

Analysis - Essay Example Other necessary laws of the establishment of socialist community include the union of the class that is working with the peasantry, other echelons of laboring masses; the abolition of capitalist’s assets and creation of civic ownership of ways of manufacturing (Huberman, 174). Gradual socialist transition of the sector of agriculture, planned economy development, aims at creating socialism and improving employee’s living standard. There are other basic laws of the creation of a socialist community. They involve socialist’s revolution in culture, ideology and the making of a significant intelligentsia ardent to the working class, to all people who are toiling, and to the ways of socialism. Principle laws in the creation of socialism include the eradication of state oppression and the formation of fraternal friendship and equality among states (Huberman, 196). Socialist defense rises from attacks by domestic and foreign enemies. International proletarian is equally essential involving cohesion of working class in each nation with those of other countries. Several Marxist authors share the views of Leo. Sweezy Paul shares the same ideas as Huberman. Through review by Kirkus, there is need for understanding and study of social history and economic of assets from the angle of modernity. All people find it interesting is studying such transition from the feudal days to the current communism. Huberman, Kirkus, and other Marxist authors infiltrate basic reasons for backing changes in economy. Effort and sympathy are in the direction of people and labor. They are against capitalism, even though they recognize and admit the input, which the system of capitalism has made (Huberman, 217). The texts bring the general image of the prospect of the world of economy and the nation’s wealth. Socialist economic organizations have been established due to communist socialization of the ways of production. The major

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critically discuss why Knowledge of the prevailing conditions in the Essay

Critically discuss why Knowledge of the prevailing conditions in the labour market is fundamental to the Human Resource Plann - Essay Example Human resource planning involves identifying the forecasts of labour demand and labour supply in the market. Some of the techniques that can be utilized in forecasting the labour requirement in the organisation include sales projections, managerial estimates, simulations and analysis of employee turnover in the organisation (Briscoe 2008). The human resource managers can utilize succession charts, labour market analysis, personnel ratios and skills inventories in forecasting the labour availability (Reddy 2005). This process is geared at ensuring that there is an adequate number of qualified persons at all the time to perform the jobs that aim at meeting the organisational objectives. Kleynhans asserts that â€Å"human resource planning is depended on the labour market outlook† (2006 p 69). Organisations are currently monitoring the skills in the labour market, the skills shortage and changing trends (Briscoe 2008). Some of the objective of human resource planning process is t o ensure there is enough manpower and proper utilization of manpower in the organisation (Dawra 2003). The process should forecast the future requirements of the human resources at all skills levels in the organisation and access the shortage or surplus at different periods. Another objective is to analyze the impact of changing work processes and technology on the human resource requirements and maximize the return on investment in the people resources. Since employees retire, resign or die, human resource planning process helps the organisation deal with employee turnover and meets both short term and long term people requirements in the organisation (Pattanayak 2005). Some factors that influence the process include the organisational business strategies, growth cycles, and time horizons, quality of human requirement forecasting information, environmental uncertainties and the nature of jobs in the organisation. Human resource planning will anticipate the redundancies, the recruit ment levels and determine the training needs in the organisation (Dawra 2003). Some commonly used methods of labour requirement forecasting include managerial judgments, work study methods, ratio-trend analysis and mathematical models (Reddy 2005). Labour supply in the organisation can be either internal or external. Internal sources of labour supply include promotions, job rotations and training the existing employees on new roles. External sources include the external labour market whereby employees can be employed from educational institutions, referrals and outsourcing (Pattanayak, 2005). Reviewing the human resource audits and making future projections can be utilized to understand the internal human resource supply (Reddy 2005). The internal human resource requirements can be affected by temporal absences, turnovers such as dismissals and resignations and also permanent absences such as death, retirements and disability (Mathis and Jackson, 2012). The simplest method of foreca sting the future human resource supply is the trend analysis that assumes that ratios of employee turnover and movements will be stable in the future. The labour patterns include retirement patterns and hiring patterns that assume the same patterns will remain stable and thus predict the future manpower requirements of the organisation. Another model of forecasting the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gloria Steinem Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gloria Steinem - Term Paper Example Her grandmother Pauline Steinem was a revered suffragette in her day. But in the early years of Gloria’s life, there was little evidence to suggest that she would uphold her grandmother’s legacy. Since her father had to relocate to new cities very frequently, the young Gloria Steinem could not be enrolled in a regular school. All her early education was provided by her mom at home. This delicate family equilibrium came to an abrupt end, when Gloria was only 8 years old her parents broke off their marriage. Not only was young Gloria deprived of a father figure, she was also thrust into a life of grinding poverty in the next few years. Complicating an already dire situation was her mother’s propensity to suffer mental depression. In the years following the divorce, Steinem’s mother fell into such an abysmal depression that the mother-daughter roles reversed for once and Gloria was left to take care of her ailing mother. When in her late teens, she went to li ve with her elder sister in Washington, D.C., where she enrolled for Smith College. Just as she was about to complete her degree, she got a break which were to prove very significant. In 1956, in the year of her graduation, she got selected for a two year scholarship program in India ((Sondra, 1987). The two years Steinem spent in India during her formative years were to prove profound for her understanding of women’s issues. The experience broadened and deepened her grasp of the status of women in the Third World and how socio-political realities impose severe restrictions for freedom of women. She realized that â€Å"the high standard of living most Americans take for granted was not available to all. She commented at the time that ‘America is an enormous frosted cupcake in the middle of millions of starving people’. She returned strongly motivated to fight social injustice and embarked on her career as a journalist†. ( Emboldened by her

Friday, July 26, 2019

The arbitrage theory of capital asset pricing Literature review

The arbitrage theory of capital asset pricing - Literature review Example At the same time, the risk factor offers price to investors for investing their money in risky securities. The sum total of both these factors gives a clear view regarding the expected rate of return on a particular asset. It is generally calculated by using a risk measure called beta. The arbitrage pricing theory is a well known alternative to capital asset pricing model that is beneficial for the investors to determine whether an asset is correctly priced or not. This paper tends to evaluate various aspects of the arbitrage theory of capital pricing. Structure of Arbitrage Pricing Theory Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) is an alternative to capital asset pricing theory and it is formulated by the economist Stephen Ross in 1976. In order to clearly evaluate the potentiality of arbitrage pricing theory, it is necessary to understand the range and terms of capital asset pricing model (CAPM). As discussed above, CAPM calculates rate of return of an asset by adding the value of risk taken with duration of investment. It is relevant to understand the working method of CAPM also. Assume that risk-free rate is 5%, the beta measure of the stock is 3 and the expected rate of market return for this period is 12%; then the expected rate of stock becomes: 5%+3(12% - 5%) = 26% In the opinion of Roll and Ross (1980), this theory had considerable significance in empirical work during the periods of 1960’s and 1970’s. However further researches on this concept have questioned its reliability and authenticity of the computation of empirical constellation of asset returns; and, many related theories have detected ranges of disenchantment with the CAPM (ibid). Authors say that this situation led to the demand for a more potential theory and it caused the formulation of APT. Although, APT was developed recently, CAPM is considered as the basis of modern portfolio theory. Huberman and Wang (2005) claim that both the CAPM and APT show relation between expected returns o f assets and their co-variance with other random variables; and an investor cannot avoid some types of risks by diversification and the concept of covariance is interpreted as a measure of such risks. While comparing with CAPM, the APT contains fewer assumptions; and at the same time, this theory is very difficult to use. Roll and Ross (1980) clearly tells that the basic idea behind arbitrage pricing theory is that the price of a security is varied by mainly two groups of factors such as macro factors and company specific factors. Since no ‘arbitrage assumptions’ are employed, this theory is popularly known in this name. The group categorization and thereby macro as well as company specific factors are very crucial to form the following formula: r = rf + ?1f1 + ?2f2 + ?3f3 + †¦ where r represents the expected rate on the security and rf is the risk free rate. In this formula, f stands for a separate factor and ? is a relationship measure between the security price and that factor. Cho, Eun, and Senbet (1986) have conducted an empirical investigation so as to evaluate the international performance of the arbitrage pricing policy. In their research, they mainly employed two valuation techniques such as inter-battery factor analysis and Chow test. The inter-battery factor analysis helped the authors to estimate the international common factors while they could test the validity of the APT using Chow test method. A

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Narni Pty Ltd v National Australia Bank Limited [1998] VSC 146 Essay

Narni Pty Ltd v National Australia Bank Limited [1998] VSC 146 - Essay Example The conduct of National Australia Bank Limited clearly shown there was an agreement to exceed the overdraft Limit hence creating an implied term in the contract which barred the bank from terminating the extended overdraft limit without a notice. Narni suffered losses from the dishonor of the cheques hence had to sue the bank for damages. Implied term of arrangement and why significant for Narni and banker- customer relationships According to the agreement made between the bank and Narni, overdraft limit was $ 65,000 hence honoring $ 40,000 would exceed the approved limit. However, their October 1988 agreement provided for provision of finance for the renovations which were being carried out by Carrum Nursing Home and at the same time the bank would continue honouring the cheques notwithstanding the approved limit of $ 65,000. By the implied conduct of the two parties, the approved limit was varied to $ 100,000 hence creating an â€Å"overdraft extension†. At the end of 1988, all assets of Narni had been financed by loans to the total of $ 896,165 hence Narni was responsible for making $ 66, 718 per annum installments as payments for the loan. Majority of the income also came from Federal Department of Health and Community services (DCS) as advance payments at the beginning of each month. The total income of 1988 stood at $ 225 M where patient contributions were below $ 400, 000 with majority of the income being advance payments by DCS at the rate of $ 150,000 per month. From the account transactions history, the account always had a credit balance at the beginning of each month and a debit balance at the end of the month. DCS would pay between $ 90,000 to $ 124,000 as initial payment to the account and another final payment after two weeks which made that the balance would be above the extended overdraft limit of $ 100,000. However, withdrawals would occur evenly throughout the month with majority being wage payments which accounted for 62%of expenses w hich translates to $ 1.4 M which was paid after every two weeks. In some months, wages would amount to $ 120,000. The Branch manager would approve overdraft facilities depending on the account balances of the account. Below is a summary of the account balance for the six months from January to June 1988. Month Start Balance Zero Balance Date End Balance January 1988 $99,716.09 CR (5/1) 20 $24,669.34 DR (1/2) February 1988 $66,069.68 CR (2/2) 19 $47,512.02 DR (1/3) March 1988 $59,282.35 CR (2/3) 17 $69,168.08 DR (6/4) April 1988 $26,683.13 CR (7/4) 14 $94,162.28 DR (3/5) May 1988 $1,533.12 DR (4/5) 2 $87,897.80 DR (1/6) June 1988 $7,016.25 CR (2/6) 10 $71,675.53 DR (1/7) From the account balance figures, extended credit facility was provided in every month while payments in to the account from DCS delayed were delayed in some months meaning the account would still have a debit balance at the beginning of the month and an overdraft would still be approved. In July 1988, the same trend continued with automatic payments from DCS of $ 109, 608 leading to account credit balance of $ 29, 582. From the transactions of July 1988, the end of the month account balance was overdrawn. The account reflected a debit balance at the start of August 1988 but it was reduced by a deposit of $ 85, 671 to settle to a debit of only $ 1,375. In September, the account was overdrawn to a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

ACH step 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

ACH step 7 - Essay Example The two states have lived in a state of lack of independence living in a situation where there is neither war nor peace but only tension and mistrust2. Some of the attacks China organized against Taiwanese include the bombing of two islands in Taiwan in 1958, as well as the March 1966 incident where China tested missiles in Taiwan’s coast3. There are a number of solutions that have been thought will bring an end to this crisis and they include a diplomatic solution, direct attack as well as limited intervention. Hypotheses claim that diplomatic solutions will however influence the end of the conflict whereas using limited intervention may increase tension amongst the populace living in the two states4. In addition, using direct attacks may encourage other attacks from supporting nations. Considering these views concerning the possible solutions, an analysis is conducted to evaluate the outcome that will most probably occur to that with the least probability of occurrence. Coming to a diplomatic solution is the most likely outcome that will solve the PRC-Taiwanese conflict. Settling both sides and enabling them to see the necessity of bringing an end to the war is necessary. A diplomatic solution will help since it will not favour any side but be fair. Favouring one side usually culminates into increased tension in the opposing side in addition to increased attacks and reduced chances of peace and independence. The hypothesis that comes accompanied with this solution states that the diplomatic solution used will influence the end of the war. The hypothesis is true since the solution will direct how the two states will work into solving their disputes as well as how the will work once they are already stable. A solution that does not consider the future of these two states should not be selected over a solution that has considered the social, political and economic development plans for China and Taiwan. Diplomatic solutions show positive signs that it

Most people believe they directly and completely perceive the world Essay - 1

Most people believe they directly and completely perceive the world that surrounds them - Essay Example It is the very sense that causes us to come up with innovative things and creative ideas. Often, we come across illusion images concentrating upon which for some time, we acquire the image in our eyes that we retain for some time, though there are none other than biological reasons behind this. The images are reflected against plain white background for a matter of seconds. As we see around after that, the memory of the image fades away. Contexts in which stimuli are experienced greatly affect human perception and remembrance of those stimuli. This was confirmed in a research conducted by Palmer. In his study, Palmer first made the research participants see a kitchen scene, and the participants were immediately then shown a loaf of bread, a drum and a mailbox (Sternberg, Mio, and Mio 112). Later when the participants were asked to memorize the things they were shown, all of them remembered the loaf of bread much better than the other two things because the loaf of bread was consistent with the context that the participants were originally shown. Taking the results of this research into consideration, it can be safely said that human perceptions of things are determined by the contexts in which they experience the stimuli. The doctrine of constructivism makes a lot of emphasis upon the meaning. Constructivism, is in itself a theory that revolves around learning. The main idea behind the doctrine of constructivism is that an individual constructs knowledge on the basis of his/her mental activity. The doctrine of constructivism considers learners as the organisms that actively seek knowledge and meaning. Initially, meaning is constructed in such a way that its relationship is very weak with reality, like the mindset of children, who are in constant phase of discovering the world and perceiving it. However, with the passage of time, as an individual gains more and more experience, the concepts become

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Individual Strategic Marketing Analysis and Plan Assignment

Individual Strategic Marketing Analysis and Plan - Assignment Example History, art and culture are essential motives for a considerable percentage of the number of individuals visiting the country each year. In addition to this, they form a strong promotional feature for destinations, towards market segments that are less sensitive to heritage and culture. Not forgetting the fact that, the tourism industries and authorities until recently, have accomplished exceedingly little to render impressive stock of historic and cultural resources available. Even less has been achieved to further the accessibility of the modern Italian traditions and culture (Moller & Deckert, 2009). This then forms a basis for and explains why the traditional cultural and artistic commodities and their use by international and national tourists is the focus of the paper. Through research of the market, the paper will examine the characteristics of both the supply and demand of cultural and heritage tourism commodities, to have a sound foundation through which to set a tourism ma rketing strategy is more scientific and with decreased risk. For instance, research estimates that today 55 percent of Italians go on holiday annually. In these cases, 15 percent usually purchase a package tour for a minimum of seven days. Research shows that more young people involved in these travels are between 30 and 20 years old, though individuals aged over 55 make up for a larger percentage of the 55% of tourists. As a result, of the exceedingly high demand for arts, historical and cultural tourism in Italy, the paper will propose a project to begin a new business supplying the demand for arts, historical and cultural tourism (Consulting & Promotion 2011, p2). Company Description The company will deal with tourism in arts, history, culture and religious paths. When it comes to religious tourism, more than 3000 structures are available in Italy, more than 56 ancient and modern convents, 25 Euro house receptions, 30 Euro monasteries that are available to be exploited by this ki nd of tourism. The company will focus on these areas to supply religious tourism demands by targeting individuals between the ages of 70 and 40. The company will also deal with material culture. The key to excellence for culture tourism in Italy is in the ability to deliver and create an efficient diversification crossing the right artistic, historical and monumental traditions with food, crafts, folk territory and wine. Culture in a wide sense to harmonize the traditional view to protection with improvement of local identity in culture (Richards 1996). The company will also exploit tourism in museums, as there are not enough visitations to museums. The company needs to breathe to the tourists in Italy that the emotions and atmosphere in museums offer a unique experience worth coming back for. The company will carry out an operation to communicate the new tourism features the company is offering within the country, that is involving the people of Italy in processes of systematic red iscovery of their own traditions (Richards 1996, p. 35). Goals of the Company The main goal of the company is to supply the unsupplied tourism demands in Italy especially in the area of arts, history, religious paths and history. The company will exploit all the available and underutilized tourist features related to culture, traditions and religion. Situation Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Art, history and culture are essential motives for a significant number of tourists. The considerable casual attitude of policy

Monday, July 22, 2019

Formative Evaluation Essay Example for Free

Formative Evaluation Essay The processes of evaluation depend mainly on the purpose of the evaluation and the object to be evaluated. There are many processes of evaluation, but the most important basic distinction in these processes is between formative and summative. Formative Evaluation In this process, the evaluation is done on the strengths, weaknesses and even on how to improve the object. It is usually done by examining the delivery of the service or the technology, implementation of the quality, and the assessment of the organizational personnel, procedures, and context among others. The formative evaluation can be subdivided into the following types of evaluation which are very essential: assessment evaluation, which is used in order to determine the feasibility of the evaluation and how the administrators, sponsors, donors among others can help to improve its usefulness; process evaluation, this mainly involves investigation of the process of service or technology delivery and other alternative delivery processes; needs assessment, this is used to determine who needs the program, the greatness of the need, and even how to meet the need; and lastly, implementation evaluation, which involves the monitoring of the fidelity of service or technology deliverance ( Trochim, 2006). Summative evaluation This process of evaluation examines the outcomes of the effects of some object on the service or technological deliverance. It usually describes what happens subsequent to technology or service delivery, assess whether the object caused the observed outcome, and even est imate the cost associated with the object. The summative evaluation consists of several types and these include: impact evaluation, this usually involves the assessment of the overall effects of the service or the technology; outcome evaluation, this deals with investigating whether the service or the technology caused the effects on that specific target outcome; cost effectiveness and benefit analysis, which deals with questions of efficiency and effectiveness by standardizing the outcomes in terms of values and cost; meta-analysis, which involves the integration of the outcome estimates from the all the studies done to come to an overall judgement about the question(s) being evaluated; and lastly, secondary analysis, which involves reexamination of the existing data so that new questions can be addressed or new methods can used (Trochim, 2006). The most important objectives of evaluation is to provide a useful feedback to various audiences, who may include administrators, sponsors, staff and even donors among others. It is often done to gauge success in attaining organization goals. In most cases, the feedback from evaluation is perceived as useful since it helps in decision-making and policy formulation. However, in very rare cases the evaluation feedback can fail to influence the making of short-term decisions. The evaluation tool is mainly used in a workplace by the employers to review employee performance and is usually done by the supervisors or senior managers. In such a case, it may involve assessing how the employee is doing using performance scale rating which show the strengths and weaknesses in important areas which may include promptness and following given instructions among others. The employees are also given the chance to share their suggestions and concerns about the workplace experiences and details such as pay raise, promotions and many others. Furthermore, the significant progress made in achieving the employee goals in a set time period is also evaluated. These employee goals can be set by the organization or can be set voluntary. Word Count: 560 Reference List Trochim W. T. (2006). Research Methods Knowledge Base. Retrieved on May 2, 2009 from http://www. socialresearchmethods. net/kb/index. php

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Importance Of Imaginary Places

The Importance Of Imaginary Places Id like to begin my essay from one quotation that helped me to understand the main direction of this work discussion. This quotation explains the main content of the notion imaginary places and their meaning for people. Lets look at it attentively and analyze how the World Trade Center site in New York City is now an imaginary place. Leonard Mcclure stated that Such sites are, of course, actual places. We can go there today, stand, look, and know we are in the place. Yet, at the same time, these actual places are mythic because they embody meanings far beyond the scope of the events that happened and even beyond the limits of the physical locations themselves. In that sense, they are imaginary places. (Leonard Mcclure, 2003) I want to mention in this paragraph that such imaginary places are very important for 21st century Americans. In our consciousness the notion imaginary place can be interpret as a place that exists only in imagination, it can be imagination of one person or it can be imagination of group of people, who are interested in one problem or question; also imaginary place is a place said to exist in fictional or religious writings. In our case it is one taken website that reflects events that had a place in American society several years ago. The date of awful catastrophe will never be forgotten by people who lost there their relatives and I think that the whole country will never forget that tragedy. Saying about the World Trade Center (WTC) we can say that it was a complex in Lower Manhattan in New York City. In 2001 in the September 11 the World Trade Centers seven buildings were destroyed by terrorist attacks. The site is at present being rebuilt with six new skyscrapers and a memorial to the casualties of the terrorist attacks. Now this website considered an imaginary place that exists as a part of memory for people who know this place and for people who will never see beloved people. It will be very honest answer to say that people should remember their history and visiting imaginary places all people receive such possibility. Young people need to know how the place that they can see every day looked like several years ago and they should know its history. Old people can visit this place in their imagination and remember some events from their past life. Imaginary places are important part of todays life, because everyday we are looking for something new and sometimes even forget about historical places and people who were connected with these places. It is a good idea to create imaginary places and it is also a good idea of creation of imaginary communities. Im not promoting against real places and real communities, but in my opinion people should have a chance to talk about their memories with people with the same interest and our past is the wonderful base for our future success and happiness. Id like to talk about imaginary communities in this paragraph as a component connected with the notion imaginary places. Famous American researcher Benedict Anderson named nations the  «imaginary associations ».  «Imaginary » as their representatives, not knowing the most compatriots, even never meeting them; however feel the involvement to them. By other words,  «imaginary associations » exist in imagination of their members. Like imaginary places we cant visit in real life and touch to its things and ground where they based. Imagination is a really interesting notion, because it allows us to create something new and important, or unimportant, but pleasantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ it depends from our necessities and wishes. Role of imagination in the process of creative cognition it is possible to define as one of methods of the use of present for a man knowledge. The functions of imagination are probed in-process on row procedures of scientific cognition: hypothesis, evident des ign, and mental experiment. The purpose of imagination is ability to create new appearances. It gives birth from necessities to correlate accessible to the man with that it is not given to him straight. It is understandable that for research of cognitive role of imagination it is necessary to find out its features. Complication of exposure of specific of imagination is conditioned that it closely interlaces with all types of cognition. This circumstance is reason of origin of tendency to the denial of existence of imagination as the special form of reflection. To decide this problem, it is necessary to expose actual nature of imagination. From all above stated determinations evidently, that the substantial sign of imagination is consider ability of subject to create new appearances. But it is not enough, because it is impossible then to conduct distinctions between imagination and thought. Creation of new knowledge and concepts in the field of logical thought can take place and with out participation of imagination. Thus, we should take into account circumstance that imagination is creation of new appearances, and transformation of past experience, and what transformation is accomplished at organic unity perceptible and rational. I think that imagination as a main aspect of imaginary places creation should be discussed with more details. We will consider specific forms of activity that is revealed in which perceptible reflection of reality, and also that role which execute feeling in the processes of forming of appearances. Very often feelings examined straight as valuable appearance of reality. Feelings primary appearances of certain properties of reality straight or indirectly join in forming of all (including generalized) mental appearances. Imagination, creating evident appearances, absorbs in itself feelings. But at it imagination leans against their semantic moment. Therefore, imagination physiological does not depend on activity of sense-organs. Imagination is product of transformation foremost of functional descriptions reflections. Perception is appearance of object on the whole, in it already very full semantic descriptions of subjectivity open up. During perception a subject is able to construct whole complexes directly not these parameters of object. The elements of imagination find out itself in a perceptible reflection only then, when along with ability functionally to finish building appearances these objects ability of man to expose is clearly revealed on your own functional meaningfulness of the perceived objects and to do this meaningfulness by the article of the special consideration and special procedures. Circumstance that in perception of persons capable from data separate to finish building elements the failings sides of object, see unit at to the real availability only its parts, testifies to development of subjective and active descriptions of perceptible appearances. Complexity such appearances, included in them experience individual and collective there is a display of nascent imagination activity. Essence of imagination consists in that appearances of imagination are consciously produced by a man. Thus, by a basic line which distinguishes imagination from different forms of activity in a perceptible reflection, there is original realized by the subject of imagination of human (social, cultural and other) grounds of this activity. The outer world comes forward the financial base of process of imagination in everything riches of its relations, from which the new impressions are dipped out and new images are created. Imagination can be examined and as a process (form) and as a result of (table of contents) reflection of objective to reality. It executes functions: heuristic, anticipatory, practical, cognitive, aesthetic and others. Imagination is capable to transform the whole world without an exception. Imagination it one of capabilities man to product new images. By the feature of imagination as facilities transfer of knowledge from one area there is an original alloy on other perceptible and rational. Analyzing information about imagination as a form of our mind work we should emphasize that imagination is the specific reflection of reality and serves by the mean of its cognition. Activity of imagination necessarily flows in evident plan. It necessarily destroys a subject outside available situations, forms appearances, not having a direct original in to reality. Thus, based on our research data we can conclude that imaginary places allow people to be involved in imaginary activity and it also allows Americans to be involved in the history of their country, because it is necessary for all people remember what had happened in their country and I believe that such imaginary place also can help to avoid some catastrophes in future.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Stages of Development | 0-19 Years

Stages of Development | 0-19 Years Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years. The sequence of development refers to the expected pattern of development of a child from birth through to 19 years. Child development, in turn, refers to the biological, the physical and the emotional or psychological changes which take place within a time-frame as the individual passes through various stages or phases from (complete) dependency to (increasing) autonomy. The term development incorporates the skills and knowledge that children and young people are developing. Children and young people follow a pattern or sequence or order of development, and knowledge about expectations at the different ages and stages, helps practitioners to support development, as well as to identify those individuals who may need additional support or those who may require extension, for example, through a gifted and talented programme. Skills and knowledge and physical growth are all interconnected and therefore cannot be viewed in isolation. Instead a ‘holistic’ approach to development needs to be adopted as these areas are co-dependent. Children and young people need to be able to develop properly in order to reach their full potential. Practitioners should remain aware of the fact that although each area of development is important as an entity in its own right, each area is as important as any other, and also that they all impact upon each other. The areas can be ‘separated out’ as such, but they are reliant upon each other and so if a child does not have the physical skills to turn pages in a book or the language to decode words, then that child will not be able to read. Developmental changes may be influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, events during prenatal development, the delivery and birth itself as well as post natal influences. Developmental change can be due to maturation – genetically controlled processes or as a result of environmental factors, although mostly, there is an interaction between the two. The development of children and young people is a continuous process and can be measured in a variety of ways. Children and young people tend to develop at different rates but the sequence or order in which they develop will be more or less the same. For example, a child will acquire one skill – walking, before developing the next skill in the sequence – running. As development tends to be more rapid in the early years, the milestones are initially quite close together. As a baby becomes a toddler / child and the toddler / child becomes a young person, the milestones can be further apart. It is important to bear in mind that children and young people are individuals, so their rate of development may be different and also development may not progress across all the required areas with the same degree of equality. Sometimes the rate of development can present cause for concern. However, it is essential to remember that each person is unique and this must be borne in mind, especially when examining the rate and development of a child or young person. Generally speaking, development is said to progress from head to toe, from the inner self to the outer self, from simple to complex and finally from general to specific. The aspects of development by which children and young people are measured against are: Physical Development Physical development can be sub-divided into: Fine motor skills (manipulation) involve the coordination and control of small muscles, for example, tying a shoe lace or using pincer grip to pick up crumbs or hold a pencil and mark make with it. Gross motor skills involve the coordination and the control of large muscles and the acquiring of skills such as running and walking, throwing a ball or pedalling a bicycle. These skills require the use of the entire body or at least several parts of the body. Muscle tone and muscle strength are important, for example, if a body has ‘high tone’, the movements may be jerky or appear disconnected and if the muscle strength is poor, the child or young person may not be able to exert much pressure with his hands or legs. The quality and range of movement is also important – does a child or young person move noticeably slowly or too quickly and is the child or young person able to make movements that go from one side of the body to the other (‘crossing the midline’). Physical development is about learning to master movements and this allows a child or young person to become independent. They master the ability to explore and interact the world and environment around them. The muscles in the body need to develop and gain strength and as they do, the body is able to coordinate better. Cognitive / Intellectual Development This encompasses the way in which the brain processes information (remembering names or colours or numbers and information). Imagination (for example in role-play), is also a cognitive skill and cognitive development is strongly linked to communication and language. Communication and Language This is about learning to communicate with other people and understanding their communication in return. Talking, reading, writing and using gestures/body language or a sign language, are all examples of communication and it is essential that children and young people acquire language and a range of vocabulary or sign language skills in order to be able to communicate effectively. Receptive and expressive language are effective tools for communication. As stated above, communication and language are linked to cognitive development (thinking about what others are trying to convey as well as what you are trying to express). Social and Emotional Development This area is about forming and maintaining relationships, understanding oneself, becoming self-reliant, having the ability to make decisions, feeling sympathy and empathy, knowing what behaviour is acceptable, and having the ability to control emotions appropriately. This area is closely linked to cognitive language development. Intellectual or Moral Development This has strong links with cognitive development and is a sub-set of social and emotional development. Intellectual or moral development is about decisions that children and young people take, principles they adopt and their behaviour towards others. It includes a child or young person’s attention span, ability to understand information and to reason, the developing of memory, logical thinking and questioning. For example, Piaget advocated that group games promoted and advanced the moral and intellectual development of children and young people. An adult explains the rules of a game and gradually reduces his or her involvement, allowing the child or young person to regulate the game this allows room for a child to take risks, to make errors and to learn and develop moral understanding and autonomy. Table detailing the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years plus Age Intellectual Social/Emotional Language Gross Motor Fine Motor Skills Infant – Birth to 12 months Learns by experimenting with hands and putting objects in mouth. Attaches to the mother and father and begins to recognise faces; smiles. At about six months begins to recognise parents and expresses a fear of strangers. Responds to and participates in simple interactive games. Vocalises a lot more and imitates some sounds, says 2 syllable words like ‘mama’, ‘dada’, ‘baba’. Lifts head, pulls chest up, rolls over, pulls to sit up and crawls or stands either with some or no support. Is able to reach for objects and picks up finger food or toys, like rattles or keys. Picks up small objects like crumbs. Toddler 1 – 2 years Is able to learn words for people and objects and to name some items when prompted. Learns that self and parents are separate, imitates sounds, is able to indicate needs or wants without crying. Is able to say more words and follow simple instructions. Can walk, kick, stop, jump, throw a ball and drop items. Unbutton clothing, build tower with few bricks, mark make, use spoon to feed self. Preschool 2 – 5 years Knows when is tired or hungry, cold/wet or soiled and recognises some colours, numbers, shapes and objects. Able to separate from carer with ease, un/dress with assistance, wash / dry hands, play games. Increasingly independent in toileting and self-care. Follows simple or complex instructions, speaks in simple sentences. Good range of vocabulary. Runs, hops, squats and jumps, pedals a tricycle, balances and co-ordinates well. Pulls self onto play equipment. Builds tower of 7/8 cubes, forms letters and some alphabet and is able to pedal a bicycle. Feeds self. School 5 – 12 years Understands numeracy and literacy concepts, relationships between objects and feelings, acquires knowledge and skill. Increasingly independent, emotionally still attached to its parents, dresses/undresses mostly without assistance, joins clubs and social groups, make friendships. Has an increasing bank of vocabulary, is able to describe his / her feelings, or objects, or materials, is able to school independently. Improved balance, may overestimate physical capabilities, joins in different physically demanding activities. Able to sketch/draw people, copy detail in figures and objects, sew, knit, paint and craft with control. 12 – 18 years Understands some abstract concepts like death or illness or God and religion, and develops an understanding of complex ideas. Experiences mood swings and changes in behaviour, highly influenced by peer group, distances from parents emotionally, engrossed by self-image, may have sexual relationship. Uses increased vocabulary and understands abstract concepts such as grief. These are now fully developed. These are now fully developed. 19 years plus Continues to develop ability to make sound decisions, understands complexity of relationships with others. Becomes independent and develops own lifestyle, chooses career path, develops a social and economic status, may have a partner, become a parent, Continues to develop knowledge, uses increased vocabulary and different styles of language. These are now fully developed. These are now fully developed.

Free Euthanasia Essays: Assisted Suicide :: Free Euthanasia Essay

Assisted Suicide To sanction the taking of innocent human life is to contradict a primary purpose of law in an ordered society. A law or court decision allowing assisted suicide would demean the lives of vulnerable patients and expose them to exploitation by those who feel they are better off dead. Such a policy would corrupt the medical profession, whose ethical code calls on physicians to serve life and never to kill. The voiceless or marginalized in our society -- the poor, the frail elderly, racial minorities, millions of people who lack health insurance -- would be the first to feel pressure to die. What about competent, terminally ill people who say they really want assisted suicide? Suicidal wishes among the terminally ill are no less due to treatable depression than the same wishes among the able-bodied. When their pain, depression and other problems are addressed, there is generally no more talk of suicide. If we respond to a death wish in one group of people with counseling and suicide prevention, and respond to the same wish in another group by offering them lethal drugs, we have made our own tragic choice as a society that some people's lives are objectively not worth protecting. How does cost enter into this issue? In an era of cost control and managed care, patients with lingering illnesses may be branded an economic liability, and decisions to encourage death can be driven by cost. As Acting U.S. Solicitor General Walter Dellinger warned in urging the Supreme Court to uphold laws against assisted suicide: "The least costly treatment for any illness is lethal medication." Why are people with disabilities worried about assisted suicide? Â  Many people with disabilities have long experience with prejudicial attitudes on the part of able-bodied people, including physicians, who say they would "rather be dead than disabled." Such prejudices could easily lead families, physicians and society to encourage death for people who are depressed and emotionally vulnerable as they adjust to life with a serious illness or disability. To speak here of a "free choice" for suicide is a dangerously misguided abstraction. What is the view of the medical profession? The American Medical Association holds that "physician-assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible with the physician's role as healer." The AMA, along with the American Nurses Association, American Psychiatric Association and dozens of other medical groups, has urged the Supreme Court to uphold laws against assisted suicide, arguing that the power to assist in taking patients' lives is "a power that most health care professionals do not want and could not control.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Freedom and Servitude in Shakespeares The Tempest Essay -- The Tempes

Freedom and Servitude in Shakespeare's The Tempest What is slavery? Is it an institution? A mental state? A physical state? Is it human nature? Or is, â€Å"†¦slavery is†¦an inherent, natural and eternal inheritance of a large portion of the human race† (Ruskin 307). Whether or not any one of these options is true, the fact remains that each says something about humanity. Therefore, when a play like The Tempest comes along, centering on the themes of freedom and servitude, one must look for the commentary that is thereby produced, keeping in mind that Shakespeare rarely lacked commentary. Of course, in Shakespeare’s way, there are several characters introduced within this theme. Hence, I pose the question: Who is the slave? Granted, all may embody different aspects of slavery, making â€Å"each character† the answer; but individually, each character still gives its own consideration to the topic. Following are the different possibilities of characters posing as the slave, leading to a discu ssion of freedom and servitude that is implied as a result. I will be relating the climate of slavery depicted in the play with other cultures, purely to give a frame of reference based on the general knowledge we have, given society’s history of slavery. ARIEL (since the character is gender non-specific, I will refer to him/her as â€Å"it† or â€Å"the spirit†) One of the spirits that Prospero has control over, Ariel, would be an assumed representative of servitude. The spirit’s role throughout the play is centered on the obeying of the orders that Prospero puts forth to be carried out. Ariel does have an apparent loyalty and respect for Prospero, though, which makes it easy for him to manipulate the spirit. He was, of course, the... ...n.htm. Gervinus, G.G. "The Tempest." The Shakespeare Criticism Volume 8. Gale Research Inc., Detroit. 1989: 304-307. Greenblatt, Stephen. Introduction to the Tempest. The Norton Shakespeare. New York: W.W. Norton and Co. 1997: 3047-3053 James, D.G. (Excerpt from a series of lectures delivered in 1965 at University College, London.) The Shakespeare Criticism Volume 8. Gale Research Inc., Detroit. 1989: 429-434. Knight, G. Wilson. "The Crown of Life." The Shakespeare Criticism Volume 8. Gale Research Inc. Detroit. 1989: 364. Ruskin, John. The Shakespeare Criticism Volume 8. Gale Research Inc., Detroit. 1989: 307. Shakespeare, William. "The Tempest." The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1997: 3055-3106. Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror. Little Brown and Company, Boston. 1993: 191. Freedom and Servitude in Shakespeare's The Tempest Essay -- The Tempes Freedom and Servitude in Shakespeare's The Tempest What is slavery? Is it an institution? A mental state? A physical state? Is it human nature? Or is, â€Å"†¦slavery is†¦an inherent, natural and eternal inheritance of a large portion of the human race† (Ruskin 307). Whether or not any one of these options is true, the fact remains that each says something about humanity. Therefore, when a play like The Tempest comes along, centering on the themes of freedom and servitude, one must look for the commentary that is thereby produced, keeping in mind that Shakespeare rarely lacked commentary. Of course, in Shakespeare’s way, there are several characters introduced within this theme. Hence, I pose the question: Who is the slave? Granted, all may embody different aspects of slavery, making â€Å"each character† the answer; but individually, each character still gives its own consideration to the topic. Following are the different possibilities of characters posing as the slave, leading to a discu ssion of freedom and servitude that is implied as a result. I will be relating the climate of slavery depicted in the play with other cultures, purely to give a frame of reference based on the general knowledge we have, given society’s history of slavery. ARIEL (since the character is gender non-specific, I will refer to him/her as â€Å"it† or â€Å"the spirit†) One of the spirits that Prospero has control over, Ariel, would be an assumed representative of servitude. The spirit’s role throughout the play is centered on the obeying of the orders that Prospero puts forth to be carried out. Ariel does have an apparent loyalty and respect for Prospero, though, which makes it easy for him to manipulate the spirit. He was, of course, the... ...n.htm. Gervinus, G.G. "The Tempest." The Shakespeare Criticism Volume 8. Gale Research Inc., Detroit. 1989: 304-307. Greenblatt, Stephen. Introduction to the Tempest. The Norton Shakespeare. New York: W.W. Norton and Co. 1997: 3047-3053 James, D.G. (Excerpt from a series of lectures delivered in 1965 at University College, London.) The Shakespeare Criticism Volume 8. Gale Research Inc., Detroit. 1989: 429-434. Knight, G. Wilson. "The Crown of Life." The Shakespeare Criticism Volume 8. Gale Research Inc. Detroit. 1989: 364. Ruskin, John. The Shakespeare Criticism Volume 8. Gale Research Inc., Detroit. 1989: 307. Shakespeare, William. "The Tempest." The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1997: 3055-3106. Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror. Little Brown and Company, Boston. 1993: 191.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Day Worth Remembering

April 10, 2007 is a day I will never forget. It was the day I gave birth to my son. Beforehand, I thought it would all be a piece of cake, but to my surprise, it was far from that. On my way to a routine check-up, it seemed as if all I was able to think about was how bad my back hurt and that I could not wait to have this baby. I arrived at the doctor’s office and everything seemed to be running smoothly. I sat in the small, cramped room for what seemed like forever after the nurse had gotten my vitals.The doctor finally came into the room and asked me how I was feeling. I informed her that besides the fact that I was wobbling around and carrying an extra 30 pounds, I felt just fine. She then looked at me with a facial expression that had me thinking the worse. She informed me that my blood pressure was through the roof and that they would have to induce my labor. There I was, a first time mom about to go through something that I had never experienced before. Nervous doesnâ₠¬â„¢t even begin to describe the feelings that I was having at that time and moment.I called my husband and informed him that I was being sent to the maternity ward. Calling him did not help me to calm down. To be honest, I think I was calmer than he was which was surprising since he had been through this before. Finally, after all the questions and trying to comprehend what was going on, he was on his way. I was finally taken upstairs to the maternity ward and admitted. Not too long after arriving, I was given Pytocin to get the contractions started, a drug given to speed up the dilation of the cervix, since there was a chance of my son’s heart rate dropping.Shortly after I was examined, I was diagnosed with severe Preeclampsia, a condition in which the blood pressure is significantly high and chances of seizures and liver failure can occur. Not only was I diagnosed with something that I had never heard of with the potential to become fatal, the woman in the next room over t hat was actually giving birth at that time was screaming her heart out. I wanted to dart out of that place. I was beyond terrified. I sat there in a daze for most of the day since I was on so many different medications. You would have never thought that I was in labor because I was hooked up to so many machines.I felt like this was the worst day of my life and swore I would never do it again. The sharp, rushing pains of contractions kept coming, and to me, life as I knew it sucked. Whenever the pain came along, it would be stronger, longer, and more unbearable than the last. This lasted for an eternity in my eyes and I could not wait for it to be over. I eventually made it to the ten centimeters required to deliver. I was almost to the finish line and I was ready for it to be done and over with. With my husband and mother at my side, I felt invincible.They gave me the energy that was necessary to make it through one of the most important days of my life. I had my game face on and no thing stood in between me and giving birth to the son I was dying to meet. I began to push. The first push and I thought my lungs had collapsed. I was determined to end the long journey I had been on for nine months. With the second and last push came a beautiful, little baby boy. All that I had gone through was well worth it and if I had to do it all over again I would. April 10, 2007 was one of the most terrifying but happiest days of my life and I will always remember every detail of it.

Comparative Essay Between Movies and Books Essay

In 2003, David Foster Wallace tell Reading requires sitting al unitary, by yourself, in a roomI charter friendsintelligent friendswho dont kindred to read because in that respects an nigh dread that comes up ab issue having to be al hotshot and having to be quietWhen you flip into most public spaces in America, it isnt quiet any much. Although the collective meter of era spent by people education has declined with our minds, moving pictures with sound continue to tho embed themselves in culture.Ask a congregation of fifteen year olds how roughly(prenominal) criminal records they have read in the go bad month, and the likely answer leave behind be that most of them have non perfect a book since a month ago. But ask the same group the last sentence they saw a characterisation, and a week previous (or less) leave fail to be an un frequent answer. A question then poses itself why is it that sensation seeded player of entertainment and art is fall out of favor s pell an some other(prenominal) is becoming more than and more common? One could ascribe the comparative role of the twain, implying that motion-picture shows ar superior to books.However, a more accurate, yet less popular attestation would be that books be superior to germinates and that superiority is not necessarily synonymous with prevalence. To go into detail in a movie the same counsel as champion might in a book would be painfully difficult. The resulting abomination would be torturously monotonous due to movies genuinely nature, which panders to the short attention spans of the average someone by constantly moving and embellishing ideas with pictures and music. It would as well as be horribly long, the length of, or longer than an audiobook.For evidence, one could look at documentaries and nonfiction books. The former ar faraway less informative, although one whitethorn adjure to believe otherwise because a non renderive film takes less work to revere and i s, to some, more pleasurable. Take two lectures, both(prenominal) approximately an arcminute and twenty proceedings in length (approximately the running time of a movie) and both by two highly acclaimed authors. The first, by Thomas L. Friedman, was on his book The World is Flat, and the second, by temple Grandin, was on her book Animals in Translation.In either lecture, one could see the verbalizer constantly speaking and cramming more discipline into their allotted time. Yet neither cover level close to what was in their books. A documentary trying to do much(prenominal) a thing is even more preposterous, demanding copious amounts of time for a preen of pretty images and smooth transitions. This is the reason scholars do not publish their findings in case-study documentaries barely in texts. Long, arduous texts the average mortal would sort of die than pick up. progress evidence is in the quality of film adaptations of books. If one went to see the recent movie Life of Pi after yarn the original refreshed by Yann Martel, a period of misanthropy and depression may not be a completely misrelated concept. The movie was one hundred twenty-seven minutes long and left out numerous important facets, such as Pis connection with a Suffi man in part of Pondicherry, his grade-school teacher Mr. Kumar, and the training of Richard Parker. The content of the film was not, however, missing when compared to others movies of its length.It might take several weeks to fetch up the book how could a film-maker be p undersurface judgment to fill all of the information in it into one hundred twenty-seven minutes, with ex baffle, optic stimulation, and graphic theatrics as obligations? Life of Pi is art as a book, merely as a movie, is a source of mass-market entertainment. Although films quantitative flaws of chokepoint are more than surfeit to contain texts as the more valuable mediaform, goodish also are its qualitative stiflings. For example, if a movie c haracter began to speak the way Jean genet does in his books, the product would come across as plan and pretentious.For a moment I was no longer a hungry, ragged vagabond, wrote Genet in The Thiefs Journal, whom dogs and children tag away nor was I the bold plunderer flouting the cops, but rather the favorite harlot who, beneath a starry sky, soothes the conqueror. apply words like vagabond and flouting in everyday words is incredibly uncommon, and even english teachers will tell you that apply the conjunction nor will get one beat up. Genet, however, is widely regarded as a brilliant artist for, including but not limited to, his beauteous prose. A stern contrasts between books and movies shimmers here.The language in a movie is only of characters, who are constantly in a mode of speech too casual for grace past times a certain point, while a book is free to use position (or whatever tongue it is written in) freely. The travail of characters as one of the only modes of toneand almost always the most useis also a problem when expressing great themes. Compare most classic film achievements to esteemed novels, and an rudimentary trend will emerge movies repeatedly project something round humans, or the nature of man, while books are far ore different, sometimes delving tardilyly into the stirred lives of characters without the chains of lengthy exposition and devising discourse seem natural, while some dwell extensively on philosophic musings such as the meaning of manner and the cyclical nature of history. One of the biggest reasons books eclipse movies is also one of the biggest reasons books are becoming signifi basetly popular. That is, books effect mental work. acculturation as a whole has wrench increasingly fast paced, and the instant triumph of movies fits in with the utmost dexterity.The interactive see to it one has with a book is a glorious cradle for the type of deep thought about a exit that lasts maybe thirty minutes ra ther than thirty seconds. To read a novel by James Joyce, one must(prenominal) spend a significant amount of time trying to process the underlying themes and meanings, often rereading even a flyspeck portion several times until it makes sense. many a(prenominal) people loathe James Joyce for the pall density of his work. But to watch a James Cameron movie, a two hour slot of time is all that is ordinarily given up before a person begins eulogizing or bashing the piece.When one challenges ones maven, it becomes more powerful, like a exercising a muscle. All said(prenominal) is meant not to bash movies, but entirely to expose how they are surpassed by books. more people who would argue the converse position are not without reason. Some may sight art films like Citizen Kane and Nosferatu, contestation that despite how these are very contrary in nature than books, they are greater and more beneficial media. Others would assert that in that respect are more options in film. T hat there are new dimensions to work in when visuals are added into the mix lighting, filters, cinematography, etcetera.And an entire other artform is said to be a primal part of movies but not books acting. What a character says on paper can be extremely affected by what the inflection and tone of the speaker is. For example, the phrase I wanted to kick his ass can have a coarse shift in meaning when idiom is put on I, wanted, kick, his, or ass. Books, go in the numerical eye of statisticians as a great form of media, are truly better and more diverse than the silver screen. Books are far freer to key fruit with complex detail and long topics, while most movies re tied to a certain length, making books better beacons for information.Freer facilitate are books in the possibilities of both subject matter and ways to express that because they are not stuck on characters so severely. With their birthrate comes an opportunity for the reader to exercise the brain to a greater de gree, enriching all move of their mental life. Although some people disagree, using great old films and the unique opportunities filmmaking does allow the artist with as talking points, books last out the prevailing art the face of a shrinking audience.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

BJB Manufacturing Company Essay

Instructor namePart II BJB Manufacturing fellowship eccentric Management scheme The plaqueal direction leads steering to research and note that Dr. W. Edwards Demings 14 headway plan for counseling. Demings speculation for concern has importantly improved the effectiveness and rifles of many individuals by means of the focal point of whole tone and improvement especially in the work force of organizations around the world. His opening allows for organizations and its employees to plan better for the time to come and improve their processes, work, products, and relationships. Demings philosophy also institutes cooperation and processes for continuous improvement in ashess and conversation. His 14-points for management pore on understanding implementation and change management to change magnitude quality. It represented solutions to problems encountered by companies. BJB Manufacturing Company use of this surmise includes suppliers, management, employees, and custom ers input for act process improvement.Suggested woodland Theory for BJB Manufacturing CompanyDemings 4 points for management theory does put forward steps that realise great quality. His theory transforms the manner in which managers conduct his or her jobs from a merchandise standpoint and helps leaders to stay focused on the methods of improving the production system. The point is to save them avoid focusing on one compass of the process. Demings theory also stresses that manufacturing is a system and that the supplier and customer are an important start up of the quality system. When there is consistent feedback from the customers, it helps with the improvement of the services and products. The theory recommends steady improvement of individuals at heart the system, and the communication that goes on between them.Demings 14 Points-Customer-Driven and Process-Driven Quality Requirements Demings 14 points for management are applicable in customer-driven and process-driven quality management. Customers are the stakeholders and BJB Manufacturing Company trampnot live without them. It is important fororganizational management, employees, and supervisors to look at things through the customers viewpoint of quality and how the come with employs quality management throughout the business. When understanding the customers viewpoint of quality that is provided, it allows the company to implement the actions that essential be taken to improve the quality, service, and manufacturing, and further refine the roadway to success (Foster, 2007). Companies in the manufacturing industry need to watch that the products go beyond the demand of the customers, the value, supply, quality, and triumph.BJB Manufacturing Company will achieve this goal by employing cross-functional levels of truth throughout the organization. The organization will ensure that the materials universe used to produce the products are of the highest quality man conducting quality contro l checks prior to shipment. The organization must empower employees to identify concerns of quality in production of the compact disc changers and work to eliminate the hindrance of fear in the company in locate to improve the quality. Once the fear is eliminated and the company has completed effective communication between the management and employees, the company back tooth improve the production and services and be on a good path toward change magnitude productivity which will exceed customer expectations.Demings 14 points for management are key to ensure good quality. Part II of the quality management focuses on instituting a climate of leadership, providing employees with the tools they need in order to succeed, breaking down barriers to production, and inspiring employees which can produce a transitional climate fitting of success. Demings 14 points theory of management can apply to small and large organizations, the service industry, and manufacturing. They equally app ly to any division within a company and to its suppliers (Demings 14 Points, 2011).Part 3 BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Implementation dodging BJB Manufacturing Companys quest to develop a systematic process to exceed customer necessitate and expectation requires an implementation strategy that the whole organization can engage in a continued improvement process. This strategy to influence customer satisfaction must address quality management issues within the manufacturing process and determine an effective means to provide focus across all aspects of the business. This effort of deploying the quality management initiative requires application across every(prenominal) business sectors andfunctions of the organization.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Battle of Salamis and Miltiades

Miltiades biggest comp atomic number 53nt part was to the difference at marathon which was considered a operative op placement on the Iranian wars. It was in the passage of arms at endurance contest where he showed twain witt and readiness against the Iranian phalanx. He was considered worthful to the athenians beca procedure of his power closure dealing with the Iranian force, which meant he knew thither tactic and at that place demeanors to which they fought in scrap. The Athenians do Miltiades tenth commanding officer to which individually day start from commanding officer superstar all(prenominal) commandant would be disposed(p) a pass to be in bitch of the host.It was Miltiades who saying the position that the Iranian cavalary wasnt their as an expediency and to which could moderate in conquest if the Athenian soldiers attacked early. So Miltiades win over Cali oft judgment of convictionsus the Polemarh to look the Iranian army and p ay up him command. Miltiades strife play were twain(prenominal) serious-minded and strategical as he utilise what he had learnt nigh the Persians against them with both intelligent and thoughful inclinations.He do riding habit of the terrain by placing his army on the go past of the hummock so that they had the higher(prenominal) land and the eruptperform fill in for when they bewilder thither means megabucks knoll so they were little stock(a) and exhausted. It was state to be Miltiades who persuade the generals non to use their general evasive action of which hoplites (soldiers of Hellenic cities) normally marched in an equally distributed phanlanx of shields and spears. Miltiades was the one who had this expectant idea of assail fleck the cavalary was non and ab come in.He knew that the Persians had there wings punctuate out that the strongest soldiers where in the pose of th e flank and the weakest on the outer(a)(prenominal) flanks, so M iltiades devised this art programme to throw it around for his army. He do the strongest soldiers as the outer flanks and the weakest in the middle, so when it came to the constrict the strongest soldiers could encirle the Persian flanks and stupefy them agony and penick.His new(prenominal) office in the battle at endurance contest simulated military operation was the concomitant that he knew the Persians utilise pointer man. So miltiades had to speculate of a somebodyal manner to make it as if the Persian arrowman werent much second in inilation at all. This is the tactic i regard that sets him isolated from every other commander he make his army get into battle. as in short as miltiades army was in grip of arrows he had them flair and rid of the arrows, which this be after left over(p) the Persians dumbfounded. provided as i relieve how hero he was i get that sake points out that it was Miltiades who mum the Persian way of doing thins, it was Milti ades who understood his strengths and weaknesses, and Miltiades who prove to be the whelm of timing, postponement for meet the set time to act. Miltiades was essayn as the one to snaffle the assimilate up position and knew just when to take the offensive. But I see some other person who was of heretofore large vastness to the contribution of the Persian wars and his charge is Themistocles.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Barilla Spa (A) Case Study Essay

decision maker abstractgross r n wizardthelessue exercises at the saltwort SpA, initiations largest alimentary paste producer, be visual perception customers changing let on-of-pocket to unyielding re- align lead- succession and rat birth- rent outs. til now with a juicy store levels, saltwort is even-tempered non fitted to dish out with the dis post deal. The pas seul in guide is light uponn as the bullwhip picture that is originatord by gross revenue strategies that admit been typeset into place that is genuinely intersection focalizeed. This causes unjustified shoot from work workweek to week depending on the toil that the progression or motivator is been aimed towards. in that respect is as well a privation of info manduction and ugly dialogue end-to-end the entire fork up compass of mountains which does not operate profile for harvest-tide view. With the Just-in-Time dispersion (JITD) that was brought in from the logis tics give c arr, uncomplete intern tot every last(predicate)yy nor outwardly is living the refreshing-fashioned administration.With the escape of pinch of the wise remains and the induced(p) results it leaveing bring d cause, it pull up stakes be expectant to convince buy-ins from assorted angles. The chess opening should be beat- runneled prototypic from barillas receiveledge facilities and shew out the methods and be commensurate to externalize the bumpments to the dwell of its total chain. During the execution of instrument and test phase, in that respect should be dedicate aggroups which manage the selective education and poetic rhythm climax from the unseasoned corpse. nonchalant alludeings should be held to contend unwraps and lick them as quick as possible. As memorial levels drop, issues with the diffusion brass bequeath near which provides a antecedency of issues to disrupt. once the frame has been elicitn, the result s forget be the biggest selling points to book the capital punishment with the firm affix chain and for everyone to date its benefits.Issues acknowledgment kelpwort is experiencing issues to stir their fluctuate use up from the statistical distri andion centers even when stockpileing excess caudex end-to-end the release chain. Brando Vitali has came with a shadow of a Just-in- cartridge clip dispersion (JITD) and neither the sales group in saltwort or the buyers at the dissemination centers atomic make sense 18 agreeing with the preliminary. At the similar(p) time, these teams ar already noticing that our customers be difference pay qualified to the deprivation of function we atomic number 18 adapted to provide. scattering centers were asked to carry much inventories to foreclose occurrences of stock outs but the suggestion was not accepted. In return, they issued a thrill regarding the number of SKUs saltwort has which makes it insuffer sui table to manage and the persistent manufacturing lead-time delinquent to the roiled erupt and humidness specifications. environmental and locate app bent motion analytic thinking displace craveThe wavering in postulate is ca employ by a combination of contends. The softwood promotions and brashness discounts that kali uses as sales strategies are one of the biggest influences. at that place were besides no limits to the quantities that the distributors are includeed to articulate per severally break down extremity. The fillip political program for kalis sales representatives is withal cook dissimilitude to the necessity they would be move for the SKUs that would bring them a high fillip.kali is also give a affix in their export securities industry it was anticipate to clear 20-25% per year. With this step-up growth, barilla does not fork up whatsoever educate call proficiency that would body-build them to meet the claim. at that pl ace is a nominal visibleness for saltwort to envision where the excitability is in the demand is plan of attack from. This is creating the Bullwhip encumbrance end-to-end their entirely yield chain. The shortsighted talk and cooperation mingled with retailers, dissemination centers and manufacturer is the reason that they all are retaining higher(prenominal) blood line than required. foeman to Changes on that point were some resistors to this novel first step when it was macrocosm brought up internally and externally. When in that respect is a overleap of catch of the results that a sweet inaugural go out bring, on that point forget continuously be resistance to change. sales team fears that that they would see a decrement of responsibilities and scattering centers were protective when they be amiss the approach as truism they bustt know what they are doing. alternating(a) and/or Options resource 1 glide by to make headway the Just-in-time distribution (JITD) orifice To be able to rule out the Bullwhip Effect, on that point moldiness be an extend in visibleness by dint of the on the whole come out chain. With give away intercourse and an grounds and swear surrounded by vendors, it provide transcend the capriciousness in demand. This leave advance the attend levels from distributors to retailers and at the homogeneous time come down the parentage carrying apostrophize. With the visibility, it leave better barilla to forecast their demand and improve their production plan process. man achieving this, it impart bring low their manufacturing cost and their history cycle. option 2 stave off product tenseness sales strategies quite of promoting occurrence products in from each one cruise period that leave behind cause riotous demand, saltwort should maintain a unvaried agonistic set with the year. samphire should also rule in their product- focal point motivator insurance for t heir sales representative and pretend incentive programs that depart not allow them to focus on a item SKU.Recommendations and murderkali should cut through to leaven the Just-in-Time scattering maiden. As this is a new innovation for the distributors and retailers, kali should prove out this initiative at their own facility. With the results, they contribute past micturate big dicker author to call forth this belief to its whole turn in chain. As for any(prenominal)thing else to be lucky in a company, it is authorized for cabbage watchfulness to be actively involved. Employees require to be certified of the splendor of this confinement in order for it to be booming and for them to ascertain peremptory results it lead bring to the company.During the implementation, there would be lessen in scrutinize levels. Before, the catalogue levels were used as a weaken to deal the troubles that resists us from workings with a turn away account level. As we reduce the armoury levels, the problems forget elevation and it go away severalize for us what issues we fill to locate as a priority. If the problem requires a long-range time to resolve, and then the document levels put up be raise to prevent touch customers from stock-outs. thusly the focus would be to resolve the issue and the descent levels net be move again. With this approach, it exit wait on range the issues that bespeak to be call and which ones testament assistance scorn our caudex levels. observe and harbourTo monitor lizard the affects of this initiative, there are a a few(prenominal) mainstaystone mathematical operation indicators that indispensableness to be set-up. transport fall out run This ordain now come out the curve with the topical system and be able to see that JITD go forth increase service levels. lineage Levels control stock list levels at all firms to record the win-win scenario that this initiative go away bring. Re-order Lead-time To limn with the increase communication, it helps for manufacturers to suffice high-speed on that point should be daily collisions held with the key departments to ensure that the assertation is communicated in an powerful manner. The meeting should be held at the alike(p) time in the same form to bring about a drum-beat system that will create a exercise for the stakeholders to inform of any issues that they piddle crash and to get together as a group to resolve.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Analysis of Surrealism

You give st operativeic production out every lesson for the future(a) 2 weeks to stop this SAC. Your terminal plot of figure is to be submitted, on with every hand-written nones you seduce taken, no afterward than Friday June 10th. calve 1 The Surrealist campaign utilise the friendship you experience gained in class, as tumefyhead as your bear further research, prove the diachronic condition in which the Surrealist private road emerged and flourished. (hint. Analyses the birth betwixt The Surrealist faeces and the political, brotherly and economical developments of the period. run into and question the sue (in general) of The Surrealist military campaign. attain the aims, methods and achievements of the Surrealists end-to-end the azoic 20th century. severalize 2 A surrealist counterfeitman aim oneness (and that when integrity) Surrealist operative and visibility them. How did they and their perish in person bear to The Surrealist Move ment? strike the reaction to or the pitch of their act at the age it was produced. What doctor did this grow turn over on the confederacy in which it was produced? atomic number 18 their whole kit even so evidentiary straightaway? Examine and hash out the train (in general) of your elect Surrealist stratagemist. differentiate the aims, methods and achievements of this artist throughout the be whiles twentieth century. target to what effect the themes of disillusionment, sack of confidence, apprehension or a rejoicing of the advance(a) or of a political opinion be baffle in these laps. check 3 surrealist Art train ONE (and only ONE) foregather of art (painting, form etc.tera ) from your elect Surrealist Artist. Into embroil a facsimile of this dapple, as well as the title, artist, materials (egg. inunct on canvas, conjure grave etc. ) and grade it was created. build a luxuriant abridgment of the root of the pluck of art. What direction was your chosen artist fashioning by producing this work? How was it received by monastic order at the time it was produced? Is it viewed otherwise straightaway than what it was when it was prototypic produced? wherefore/how? What continue did this work have on the order in which it was produced? Is the piece restrained meaning(a) today? wherefore/why not?