Friday, August 9, 2019

Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Motivation - Essay Example Mahatma Gandhi found himself working in South Africa after his unsuccessful attempt to serve his own country as a lawyer. There, he did not only witnessed but experienced himself the many injustices being done  to Indians. The savage punishments he and others received caught the attention of the Prime Minister for negotiation. This motivated him to choose to stage a strike through a unique method of employing non-violence, courage and truthfulness to seek justice. According to psychoanalytic concept, Gandhi’s reasoning and choice to fight for their right against the abusive rule of the British is a gateway to survive. The use of civil disobedience in a non violent method and religious protests is an avenue not be killed or annihilated to preserve life otherwise, their dream for justice would be a waste. This survival mode and prevention of destruction demonstrates the two basic drives of psychoanalytic theory. Gandhi returned in India and set up a new community referred to a s an Ashram in Ahmedabad where there should be peace and no violence and to live in truth. He encouraged farming and spinning as a source of food and other physiological needs.

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